Stock Market Live: After falling sharply, the key Indian indices, the Sensex and Nifty, have recovered. On Thursday, April 4, the equity indices opened at all-time highs. The Nifty began at 22,579.30, up 0.64 percent, while the Sensex opened at 74,369.40, up 492.54 points, or 0.67 percent.
During the first hour of the market opening, all Nifty indices were trading in the green, with banking and metals indices continuing to be the top sectoral gainers.
Due to worries about a possible reduction in supply, the price of crude oil remains high internationally, now hovering around $90 per barrel. WTI prices are up 0.30 percent at $85.70 a barrel, while Brent oil futures are up 0.32 percent at $89.63 a barrel.
ANZ analysts stated in a note on Thursday that “while this (OPEC+ decision) was widely expected, it provides some assurance that the recent rise in tension in the Middle East has not altered the group’s view on the market,” as Reuters reported.