Prompted by global markets, Indian benchmark indexes began the day higher. The Nifty is trading 73.00 points, or 0.33 percent, at 22,196.70, while the Sensex opened 269.86 points, or 0.87 percent, higher at 73,266.20.
As investors have access to US inventory data, the price of crude oil advances internationally. While the price of US WTI crude oil is up 0.36 points, or 0.44 percent, at $86.35 a barrel, Brent crude oil is up 0.27 points, or 0.31 percent, at $86.35 a barrel.
Asian markets engage in a variety of trading activities. At 40,245.33, the Nikkei is down 517.33 points, or 1.27 percent, while the Kospi is down 7.24 points, or 0.29 percent.